Shadowproof is proud to be home to the Unauthorized Disclosure podcast and the Beyond Prisons Podcast.

Unauthorized Disclosure: Journalists Rania Khalek & Kevin Gosztola question social and political norms that too often go unchallenged and cover subjects that rarely receive complete attention in the U.S. media.

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Beyond Prisons: Brian Sonenstein and Kim Wilson engage in deep conversation with directly impacted people, activists, scholars, artists, and others on the subjects of policing, incarceration, and the prison abolition and transformative justice movements.

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Latest Shadowproof Podcast Episodes

07 Feb 2016

The Establishment’s Escalating Pressure on Women to Support Hillary Clinton

There is a sexist double standard, establishment columnists insist. Hillary Clinton can never yell about political revolution because she is a woman. Madeleine Albright wields one of her favorite lines and declares there is a “special place in hell” for women who do not help elect Clinton. Feminist icon Gloria

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26 Jan 2016

D.C. Bar Goes After Whistleblower Who Exposed Warrantless Wiretapping

The DC Bar initiated disciplinary proceedings for DOJ whistleblower Thomas Tamm for revealing “secrets” of his “client” to a NY Times reporter.

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25 Jan 2016

Upon Petraeus’ Request, Prosecutors Removed Embarrassing Reference To Kiriakou Case From Plea Deal

When former CIA director David Petraeus requested prosecutors remove reference to John Kiriakou’s case from his plea deal, they astoundingly complied.

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24 Jan 2016

Podcast: The Refugees Stuck In Hong Kong Who Will Never Make It To U.S.

Forty-five refugees died this week in the Aegean Sea when two wooden boats capsized near two Greek islands. Japan reportedly rejected around 99 percent of refugees, who applied for asylum in 2015. The refugee crisis is testing the policies of European countries, as more and more governments incorporate policies that

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17 Jan 2016

In War Games, Navy SEALs Normalize Treating U.S. Citizens as Enemy

United States Navy SEALs planned war games in the state of Washington for mid-January, where they would encroach upon residential areas, state parks, national parks, etc, without the consent of the public. The war games treat citizens as pawns because SEALs were trained to react to citizens as potential terrorists.

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20 Dec 2015

Year-End Episode of ‘Unauthorized Disclosure’: A Look Back at 2015

All throughout the year, we have enjoyed producing weekly episodes of our podcast, “Unauthorized Disclosure.” Each guest has brought incredible insight to issues and topics, which we believe deserve widespread discussion and are often under addressed in the establishment media. But this is our final episode of 2015. Roqayah Chamseddine,

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