20 May 2016

In Appeal, US Military Whistleblower Chelsea Manning Challenges Constitutionality Of Espionage Act

United States military whistleblower Chelsea Manning has filed an appeal and argues a military judge’s decision to convict her of seven Espionage Act offenses violated her due process and First Amendment rights. Nearly three years ago, Manning was convicted of offenses, which stemmed from her decision to provide WikiLeaks with

19 May 2016

Establishment Collectively Stunned To See Citizens Reject Rigged Democratic Primary

Sanders supporters understand very well how the process works and what kind of candidate is supposed to make it to the end.

19 May 2016

US Support For Al Qaeda In Syria Complicating Peace Talks

While Obama has been able to keep fewer US boots on the ground than Bush, the effort to play God in the affairs of other nations remains unchanged.

18 May 2016

Is The Democratic Party Establishment Openly Opposing Sanders Now?

Such open shade-throwing is unlikely to endear many Sanders supporters to a party that will need them in November and beyond.

18 May 2016

The Decline of Affordable Housing Is A Crisis Of Capitalism

The bourgeoisie have only one method of responding to the housing question, and that is to solve it in such a way that the solution recreates the question.

17 May 2016

US Border Security Called Women’s Rights Advocate ‘Whore,’ Threatened With Charges For ‘Prostitution’

US Customs and Border Patrol officers called Varela a whore, implied she had sexually transmitted diseases, and falsely accused her of being a sex worker.

17 May 2016

How Democrats Manipulated Nevada State Party Convention Then Blamed Sanders For Chaos

If Bernie Sanders couldn’t have won the Nevada convention, why did the Democratic Party go through the trouble of stifling his campaign’s influence?

17 May 2016

Progress On Official Ceasefire In Syria; Trump Tells British Leaders Not To Be Poodles

When asked about UK involvement in Iraq, Trump said, “I don’t see it as war crimes. I just think [Blair] goes down as somebody who did a terrible job.”

16 May 2016

Protest Song Of The Week: ‘True Trans Soul Rebel’ by Against Me!

During a concert in North Carolina on May 16, Laura Jane Grace of the band Against Me! burned her birth certificate in protest against an anti-transgender law. Grace, a transgender person, declared as her birth certificate went up in flames, “Goodbye, gender.” She smiled as her fellow band members and

16 May 2016

President Obama Blames Young Voters For His Failures In Commencement Address

It appears that young voters are going to be the excuse for why a campaign based on hope and change produced mostly hot air.