30 Jul 2017

‘Unauthorized Disclosure’—Episode 26: Let Incarcerated People Speak For Themselves

Host Kevin Gosztola welcomes Kim Wilson and Brian Sonenstein, co-hosts of the “Beyond Prisons” podcast, to the “Unauthorized Disclosure” weekly podcast. Wilson and Sonenstein discuss their new show, which covers prisons and prison reform from an abolitionist perspective. It elevates people directly impacted by the system of mass incarceration by

28 Jul 2017

CIA Torture Architects Cement Their Infamy By Invoking Accused Nazi War Criminals To Avoid Accountability

Two CIA psychologists, who were architects of the CIA’s torture program, have resorted to defense arguments once used by accused Nazi war criminals in order to claim they should not be held liable for torture. James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen were contracted by the CIA to develop, implement, and personally

26 Jul 2017

FBI Targeted Renowned Arms Monitoring Group With Espionage Investigation

The FBI conducted an espionage investigation into arms monitoring group, SIPRI, after they asked a weapons manufacturer about a missile in development.

25 Jul 2017

Saving 1,400 Iraqi Nationals From ‘Grisly Fate,’ Federal Court Temporarily Blocks Deportations

A federal court in Detroit temporarily blocked the deportation of over 1,400 Iraqi nationals, who say they face a “grisly fate” if they are deported back to Iraq.

25 Jul 2017

Protest Song Of The Week: ‘Brave As A Pigeon’ By Country For Syria

Throughout 2017, the Istanbul-based country music collective Country For Syria has released tracks from its forthcoming full-length, one-by-one, via Bandcamp. The band’s members are American, Syrian, Turkish, Czech, French, and Iranian. They draw from both American country music and Arabic folk sounds. In the same song, they’ll shift from riffing

24 Jul 2017

Democrats’ ‘Better Deal’ Platform Isn’t Anything Working People Haven’t Been Sold Already

Democrats have “A Better Deal” for citizens that they plan to unveil, but it sounds like more of the same corporate politics.

23 Jul 2017

‘Unauthorized Disclosure’ – Episode 25: Malik Mujahid on Muslim Ban, Rania Khalek In Syria

Host Kevin Gosztola welcomes Abdul Malik Mujahid, imam and founder of Sound Vision, who is based in Chicago. He also is an executive producer for the daily Radio Islam program on WCEV 1450 AM. Mujahid warns the Supreme Court’s supposed benevolence toward American Muslims over the issue of “bona fide

20 Jul 2017

U.S. Attorney’s Office Harasses Barrett Brown’s Literary Agent

The United States Attorney’s office in the northern district of Texas issued another subpoena against journalist Barrett Brown.

19 Jul 2017

Interior Department Whistleblower Goes Public With Claim Of Retaliation By Trump Administration

A former Interior Department policy director faced retaliation for “speaking out about the dangers that climate change poses to Alaska Native communities.”

18 Jul 2017

Protest Song Of The Week: ‘Expect The Bayonet’ by Sheer Mag

Sheer Mag is a do-it-yourself (DIY) band that makes music that is a blend of punk and heavy metal music with the pastiche of 1970s classic rock. They describe their music as a “caustic war cry, seething in solidarity with all those that suffer the brunt of ignorance and injustice