22 Dec 2015

Beyond Government Spying, Corporate Surveillance Is A Fact Of Modern Life

“Sure, massive amounts of data are no longer being collected — by the NSA. Telecommunications corporations have taken over where the government left off.”

21 Dec 2015

Promoting Adversarial Journalism Over Access Journalism

At Shadowproof, we condemn access journalism and celebrate the work of journalists who hold the government and major corporations accountable.

19 Dec 2015

Sheldon Adelson Buys Las Vegas Review-Journal, Wants To Buy Election Next

The casino magnate’s strategy from Israel: buy media, use that media to promote a right wing agenda, and hope the public votes according to what they read.

17 Dec 2015

Media Fomenting Fear About Muslims To Expand US Corporate Empire

“We do not have a mainstream media anymore; we have an extreme, corporate media beating the drums of war.”

15 Dec 2015

School Of The Americas: Training Torturers & Secret Police For US-Backed Dictators Since 1946

Over 64,000 soldiers have been trained to oppress, smash dissent, and maintain American imperial order since the “school” first opened.

12 Dec 2015

AFRICOM’s Secret Empire: US Military Turns Africa Into ‘Laboratory’ Of Modern Warfare

The US already plans to expand its massive military footprint in Africa & elsewhere to the tune of “several million dollars” a year and thousands of troops.

11 Dec 2015

Race, Gender, And Work: Undocumented Workers Walk 100 Miles For Justice

The Laura Flanders Show: The black workers’ struggle in Los Angeles. Undocumented workers march 100 miles to meet the Pope. Ending racism in the work force.

10 Dec 2015

How ISIS Oil Flows Through Turkey And Israel On Its Way To Europe

Daesh insists it isn’t deliberately selling oil to Israel, but the “black gold” ends up there nonetheless while the terrorists make millions.

08 Dec 2015

LISTEN: Kris Hermes’ “Crashing The Party” Chat

In “Crashing the Party,” Kris Hermes connects modern anti-protest policing to the historic response to protests at the 2000 Republican National Convention.

08 Dec 2015

Massive Dam to Begin Operations Despite Outcry From Brazil’s Indigenous Communities

An operating license for the Belo Monte Dam has been approved despite evidence the project may harm the lives and health of indigenous communities.