Building A Shadowproof That Supports More Contributors
Would you like an organization that can better “explain the news,” as if you are not smart enough to understand current events? How about an outlet that provides hourly updates on the latest mutterings by presidential candidates and spats in an election that seems destined to consume us all by November?
If you’re answer to both is something like, “Of course not,” or, “Please no,” then we think Shadowproof is a media organization you can get behind.
Shadowproof launched on August 2. We are a movement publication, which builds relationships with grassroots organizations and elevates voices from within those groups.2
We need your support to publish the work of a diverse range of independent journalists committed to exposing abuses of power in government and corporations. Together, we can build on Firedoglake’s legacy.
The organization is in its sixth week of operations, and in that time, we have:
- Reported on latest efforts by US Army to intimidate, harass, and silence Chelsea Manning3
- Exposed major corruption within a for-profit jail healthcare contractor, Advanced Correctional Healthcare4
- Called attention to extremely wasteful government spending on the F-35 aircraft5
- Featured our first freelance contribution from journalist Laura Muth about the government’s “Countering Violent Extremism” program and its impact on the Boston Muslim community6
- Published a second freelance contribution from journalist Desiree Kane, a poignant story about an immigrants abused in a US detention facility who found hope in a community volleyball league7
- Launched a “Protest Music Project” and posted the first feature—Top 25 Protest Albums of 2010s (So Far)8
- Grew our presence on social media, with over 3,000 followers on Facebook and Twitter9
Shadowproof would like to publish work from journalists who regularly report on topics such as climate change, labor, abuses against immigrants, the school-to-prison pipeline, and the lack of accountability for police and corrections officers who commit crimes.
We’ve received some wonderful emails from our readers describing how impressed they are with what we have been able to do in this short amount of time.10 But we have much more we would like to do, and in order to achieve even greater success, we need your support.
The work we plan to do here will be wholly impossible without you. We are very excited to have this opportunity to build something special, and we hope that you will support Shadowproof and help make us a success.
Thank you,
Kevin Gosztola
Managing Editor
PS: In case you’re looking for it, Firedoglake’s entire archive or posts and content is still online, hosted at We’re still brand new and are working on making the site the best it can be, so please send us your feedback at
1. After Firedoglake. Jane Hamsher, 7/30/15.
2. Introducing Shadowproof. Kevin Gosztola and Brian Sonenstein, 8/2/15
3. Chelsea Manning Coverage.
4. Gaming the System: Advanced Correctional Healthcare’s Brutal Brand of Jailhouse Medicine.
5. F-35: Trillion Dollar War Plane May Still Not Be Ready For Combat. Dan Wright, 8/10/15
6. DOJ, DHS Pilot Program Encourages Boston Muslims to Spy On Each Other. Laura Muth, 8/5/15.
7. After Detention, Immigrants Find Lifesaving Support in an Unexpected Place. Desiree Kane, 8/31/2015.
8. Top 25 Protest Albums of 2010s (So Far). Kevin Gosztola, 8/27/2015.
9. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
10. What’s In A Comment and Other Feedback on Shadowproof’s Launch. Kit O’Connell, 8/4/15.