02 Dec 2015

Majority of UK Public Urges Government #DontBombSyria: Vote to be Held Today

Next Cold War Roundup 12/2/15 M/W/F 10ish AM Eastern #SyriaVote in British House of Commons _ In many ways it feels like 2003 all over again with no lessons learned. A vigorous (and at times nasty) debate in British House of Commons tonight, broadcast on C-SPAN2 , on a livefeed hosted by

02 Dec 2015

Google Denies Israel’s Claims That It Will Allow Censorship Of Palestinian Videos

Google says the meeting with Israel was merely “one of many that we have with policymakers from different countries to explain our policies.”

01 Dec 2015

Laquan McDonald Cover-Up Brings Down Chicago Police Chief Garry McCarthy

Chicago Police chief Garry McCarthy has been fired after evidence of a police cover-up of Laquan McDonald’s death lead to widespread Black Friday protests.

01 Dec 2015

Who Is Buying ISIS Oil?

Putin claims Turkey’s attack on a plane in Syria was retaliation for bombing ISIS oil destined for Turkey. But how is ISIS selling oil in the first place?

01 Dec 2015

Scotland’s Unique Solution To The Syrian Crisis Empowers Women

“There is no shortage of countries bombing Syria.” But there is a shortage of countries offering peaceful options.

30 Nov 2015

Former ISP Owner Wins Battle to Discuss FBI Spy Tool After Court Lifts Gag Order

For the first time, a federal court lifted a National Security Letter gag order. Although they’ve been ruled unconstitutional by federal courts multiple times in the past, this important ruling makes it possible for the owner of a now-defunct non-profit internet service provider to openly talk about the FBI’s request

30 Nov 2015

New York Times’ Illinois Class Politics Coverage Misses Word ‘Class’

Illinois is being taken over by a plutocratic elite, but somehow The New York Times coverage of the state’s top 1% doesn’t mention ‘class’ a single time.

30 Nov 2015

The Long War and the Coalition of the Willing

The pressure is on to assemble a large number of ground troops for the US coalition to deploy in Syria and restart large scale Long War in the Middle East.

30 Nov 2015

Protest Song of the Week: ‘Do You See My Skin Through the Flames?’

A 17 year-old black boy was executed by a white Chicago police officer on October 20 of last year, and for 400 days, the city of Chicago, led by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, fought to suppress the truth of what happened. How those in power worked to cover up what really

28 Nov 2015

Ban On Tuna Labeled Dolphin-Safe Shows How TPP Will Crush Consumer Rights

The World Trade Organization’s push to ban the US’ labeling of dolphin-safe tuna provides us with a window into America’s dark future with the TPP.