07 Dec 2015

Iraqi Govt Issued Ultimatum for Turkish Troops to Leave Mosul, Russian Air Force in Vicinity

Iraqi Govt Issued Ultimatum for Turkish Troops to Leave Mosul, Russian Air Force in Vicinity. Next Cold War Roundup.

06 Dec 2015

Podcast: France Canceled Climate Protest—But Not Weapons Expo—After Paris Attacks

In the aftermath of the attacks in Paris, numerous American Muslims or U.S. citizens, who have brown skin, live in fear of what might happen if they go out in public. There have been several reported hate crimes. One mosque was vandalized by a ripped up Quran covered in feces.

05 Dec 2015

Film Review: ‘Chi-Raq’ is Timely Piece of Satire That Comes From Place of Love

Few films in recent years have been as polarizing as Spike Lee’s “Chi-Raq.” Before it premiered, numerous well-meaning people throughout the United States, especially in Chicago, had already chosen to oppose the film, even though they had not seen it. It is too bad these people did not wait to

05 Dec 2015

VIDEO: Connecting The Grassroots And The Global At COP21

The Laura Flanders Show: From climate change to black liberation. Ecuador revolutionized its economy to benefit the people. Lessons of an ancient statue.

04 Dec 2015

US Coalition Grows, Russia Opens Two New Bases in Syria

Next Cold War Roundup: Iraq’s Prime Minister says he doesn’t want Western troops, but it looks like he’ll be getting them soon anyway.

04 Dec 2015

Richest 20 People Have More Wealth Than Half Of All Americans

The wealthiest 20 people in the U.S. now own more wealth than half of the entire population in the United States, according to a new analysis.

03 Dec 2015

UK Goes To War In Syria, US Sends More Troops To Iraq

While Western powers posture about values like “democracy,” keep in mind this amazing level of dishonesty and hypocrisy as we sink deeper into the quagmire.

02 Dec 2015

San Bernardino And The Urge To Label Mass Violence As Terrorism

Another shooting. This time the violence is in San Bernardino, California. We do not know the final death toll, but at the moment, 14 people are reported dead and 14 reported wounded. It is the second shooting to occur today, after a gunman in Georgia killed a woman and injured

02 Dec 2015

Review Board Admits Military Wrongfully Detained Guantanamo Prisoner For 13 Years

The Periodic Review Board, which reviews the cases of Guantanamo prisoners, admitted that Mustafa al-Shamir has been held without cause for over a decade.

02 Dec 2015

Hillary Clinton Uses 9/11 Again To Justify Wall Street Patronage

For a moment in this election cycle, it appeared Democrats might be forced to have a serious conversation about their complicity in Wall Street’s crimes.