09 Dec 2015

Greenpeace Sting Shows Academics Selling Themselves To Polluters

An undercover investigation by Greenpeace revealed that US scientists would write research papers for polluters and carbon emitters in exchange for money.

09 Dec 2015

Germany Calls Out Saudi Arabia for Fostering Extremism

Next Cold War Roundup 12-9-15 M/W/F 10ish Eastern. Syria Talks _ Continuation of Vienna talks on Syria will be held in New York on Dec. 18 _ There’s a jihadi meet-up in Riyadh this week. Al Qaeda is not technically attending but some of their partners are. The Kurds, according to this article, are not

08 Dec 2015

LISTEN: Kris Hermes’ “Crashing The Party” Chat

In “Crashing the Party,” Kris Hermes connects modern anti-protest policing to the historic response to protests at the 2000 Republican National Convention.

08 Dec 2015

Obama Promises Limitless War In Response To San Bernardino Attack

President Obama’s address after the San Bernardino shootings was largely routine, but with one noteworthy addition: openly embracing endless war.

08 Dec 2015

New Chicago Police Chief Approved Fabricated Reports on Laquan McDonald Shooting

New Chicago PD Chief Escalante approved reports on Laquan McDonald’s shooting fabricated by officers, including Jason Van Dyke, who is charged with murder.

08 Dec 2015

Massive Dam to Begin Operations Despite Outcry From Brazil’s Indigenous Communities

An operating license for the Belo Monte Dam has been approved despite evidence the project may harm the lives and health of indigenous communities.

07 Dec 2015

How Chicago Police, IPRA & State’s Attorney Covered Up the Murder of Ronald Johnson

The State’s Attorney was incredulous when asked about a coverup, saying, “I don’t know what coverup you’re referring to. I’m not covering anything up.”

07 Dec 2015

PREVIEW: Talk ‘Disaster Capitalism’ Live With Antony Loewenstein

On December 10 at 5pm EST, join Kevin Gosztola for a chat with Antony Loewenstein, author of “Disaster Capitalism: Making a Killing Out of Catastrophe.”

07 Dec 2015

JPMorgan Had ‘Sons And Daughters’ Hiring Program For Chinese Elite

JPMorgan is already under investigation for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), but the WSJ claims there are further crimes.

07 Dec 2015

Protest Song of the Week: ‘Christmas Spirit’ by The Wailers

The consumerism of Christmas is often insufferable. It starts well before December, especially with “Black Friday” in November, which now includes Black Thursday or Black Thanksgiving because one day of door-busting sales is not enough for corporate executives. Shadowproof’s “Protest Song of the Week” is “Christmas Spirit” by The Wailers, which was