08 Dec 2016

Rebels Collapse; Kerry and Lavrov Wrangle; Congress Approves MANPADS; Long Battle for Mosul

West Aleppo celebrated as the Syrian forces took Old Aleppo, the rebel stronghold in the East Aleppo pocket, and more in our global news round-up.

21 Oct 2016

Rebels Shell Civilians in Aleppo to Prevent Escape; UN Begins War Crimes Inquiry

Civilians are used as human shields by jihadists in both Aleppo and Mosul, and more in our global news round-up.

18 Mar 2016

Erdogan Calls Out Europe ‘Dancing on a Minefield,’ ‘Nursing a Viper’

Next Cold War 3/18/16 The EU is wrangling with Turkey over an agreement to take back migrants and change their laws in exchange for political and financial rewards and calls out EU for their support of terror groups and treatment of migrants. Turkey is under pressure from a number of

29 Jan 2016

War Escalation on Syria-Turkey Border

Next Cold War Roundup 1/29 Turkey Threatens to Enter War on Syrian Border. _ The Times in UK claims that Russia is working on a deal to create a Kurdish “enclave” and the Times frames this as a Russia provoking Turkey: “Kremlin provokes Akara with deal to secure Kurd enclave“: