21 Apr 2016

Ukraine’s New Speaker Of Parliament Is A Neo-Nazi

So much for plausible deniability. While apologists and propagandists for the government in Kiev have tried their best to dismiss concerns about the government’s connection to neo-fascist movements, the jig is undeniably up. The new speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, Andriy Parubiy, is a longtime neo-Nazi activist who was a

31 Mar 2016

US Sends More Forces To Europe As Poroshenko Lobbies In DC

On Wednesday, the Pentagon announced it will be deploying armored brigade combat teams to Europe starting February for nine-month rotations, where they will perform military exercises in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary. The deployment will reportedly be in response to Russian aggression in Ukraine. Meanwhile, Ukrainian President

18 Feb 2016

Discussing Ukraine On The Scott Horton Show

Dan Wright appeared on the Scott Horton Show to discuss how Congress killed a proposed ban on US military training of neo-Nazi militia groups in Ukraine.