24 Jun 2017

Senate Trumpcare Bill Shows GOP Thinks Working Poor Should Struggle More For Health Care

Senate Republicans want to make Obamacare much worse in order to fund a large tax cuts for the rich, drug companies, insurance companies, and device makers.

14 May 2017

Trumpcare Shows Majority Of Politicians Are Willing To Vote Against Health Care Industry

Single-payer opponents claim it’s politically impossible get a majority in Congress to oppose the health care industry, but House GOP just proved them wrong.

27 Mar 2017

Obamacare Is A Failure, But It Will Only ‘Explode’ If Trump Sabotages It

The American Health Care Act has gone down in a blaze of glory. It is time to focus on what President Donald Trump has long said would be his plan B.

13 Mar 2017

Activists Mobilize For Universal Health Care As Republicans Propose Limiting Coverage

As Republicans propose health care cuts, activists mobilize local communities in favor of a single-payer health care model that benefits all Americans.