17 Jan 2017

Deep State vs Trump; Dodgy Dossier; US Rolls Tanks & Artillery in Poland

US troops, tanks, and artillery arrived in Poland. More Marines will deploy to Afghanistan. JSOC conducted a raid in Deir Ezzor and ISIS launched a major offensive. MSM unleashed a “dodgy dossier” of #FakeNews on Trump who is at war with the Deep State. And more in our global war news

24 May 2016

Lavrov: US And Russia Will Coordinate Anti-Terrorism Efforts, Raqqa Operation Begins

Coordinated terrorist bombings in Syria killed more than 150 civilians and significantly disturbed the situation in the country, and more in our round-up.

29 Dec 2015

Can The Empire Be Audited?

In theory, learning the specifics of the US empire should be simple. In reality, the empire runs on secrecy to protect operatives and cover up its failures.