President Obama Blames Young Voters For His Failures In Commencement Address
It appears that young voters are going to be the excuse for why a campaign based on hope and change produced mostly hot air.
Hedge Fund Industry Shows Weak Returns As Managers Take Home $13 Billion
Despite a thoroughly lackluster performance recently, the hedge fund industry is still setting records in executive compensation.
Hillary Clinton Goes On Wall Street Fundraising Spree, Picks Up Bush Donors
It now appears that Hillary Clinton is confident enough in her mathematical advantage over Bernie Sanders that she resumed taking money from Wall Street.
Trump Wins: Republican Party Voters Reject DC Conservatism
Regardless of the outcome in November, the GOP will never be the same.
Right And Left Coalition Propose Over $38 Billion In Cuts For Pentagon
While conservatives and progressives in America may have stark differences, we all agree on reducing waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer money.
Wall Street Funds Battle By Proxy In Congress Over Puerto Rico Bailout
Though there is much talk of principle, it looks as though the real battle lines in Puerto Rico are drawn by alliances between funds and elected officials.
White House May Declassify 9/11 Files As Saudis Ramp Up Lobbying
Former Senator Graham said he believed the White House may release at least some parts of a 28-page secret chapter from a congressional 9/11 inquiry.
No, Jon Favreau: We Will Not Learn To Love Hillary Clinton
The latest sermon on submitting to destiny from former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau perfectly encapsulates the mindless Clinton Campaign talking points.
420: US Still Spending Millions On Failed War On Pot
Today is April 20th, a holiday for marijuana enthusiasts with seeming origins in California, based on the time of day (4:20 pm) when a group of people would smoke weed together. Though the holiday has gone mainstream with millions of people celebrating their love for marijuana today, the recreational use of
Hillary Clinton’s Dealings With Saudi Arabia Back In Focus For 9/11 Bill
Saudi Arabia threatens to sell $750 billion in securities and assets in the US if a bill passes, which could hold them responsible for their role on 9/11.