16 Aug 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 12: Combating Media Bias

Roqayah and Kumars talk to Adam Johnson about his work chronicling how mainstream media outlets serve as PR firms for government and other powerful interests.

09 Aug 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 11: Debt, Displacement And Militarization At The Olympics

On this episode, Roqayah and Kumars are joined by author Dave Zirin and activists Robin Jacks and Jonathan Cohn to examine the Rio Olympics’ impact on Brazil.

08 Aug 2016

Bigotry Against Muslims In 2016 Election Rooted In American History

Historically, animus against Muslims in the U.S. has existed since they first lived in the United the country.

02 Aug 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 10: We Created Chavez

On this episode, author George Ciccariello-Maher discusses the rise of Hugo Chavez, and recent setbacks for the Bolivarian revolution following his death.

29 Jul 2016

Media Collusion Revealed In DNC Leak Shows Why Change Must Come From Outside The Party

A new movement cannot be beholden to those who continue to thwart necessary efforts for change in our lifetimes.

25 Jul 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 9: Watching The DNC Burn

On this episode, Roqayah and Kumars are joined by Margaret Kimberley of Black Agenda Report to discuss the garbage fire that is the Democratic Party.

22 Jul 2016

‘We Are The Left’ Seeks To Diversify A Broken System

While leftists radically examine and work to undermine the status quo, those behind We Are The Left have worked to maintain it.

18 Jul 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 8: Coups Don’t Bring Democracy

Roqayah and Kumars talk to Mehmet Yuksel of Turkey’s People’s Democratic Party, which strongly opposed both Erdoğan’s policies and the military coup.

15 Jul 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 7: Ending Complicity

On this episode, Roqayah and Kumars talk to Omar Barghouti, a co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement for Israel.

11 Jul 2016

The Black Struggle Against America’s Deification Of Police

The long-held belief that officers symbolize a “thin blue line” that maintains order is possibly the clearest example of America’s deification of police.