Hillary Clinton Uses 9/11 Again To Justify Wall Street Patronage
For a moment in this election cycle, it appeared Democrats might be forced to have a serious conversation about their complicity in Wall Street’s crimes.
Who Is Buying ISIS Oil?
Putin claims Turkey’s attack on a plane in Syria was retaliation for bombing ISIS oil destined for Turkey. But how is ISIS selling oil in the first place?
New York Times’ Illinois Class Politics Coverage Misses Word ‘Class’
Illinois is being taken over by a plutocratic elite, but somehow The New York Times coverage of the state’s top 1% doesn’t mention ‘class’ a single time.
Black Friday: Walmart Spies On Workers As Fight For 15 Continues
Today is Black Friday and retail giant Walmart is again dealing with a series of protests and worker strikes over the company’s unwillingness to provide its workers a living wage and benefits. This year the protests are paralleled by a week long drive to get Walmart workers food for the
Koch Brothers Twisting Criminal Justice Reform To Help Corporate Criminals
After publicly supporting criminal justice reform, Koch Industries is now tying their aid to new rules to help corporate criminals avoid prosecution.
Libya’s Collapse Proves Hillary Clinton Learned Nothing From Iraq War
As Clinton makes another attempt at the imperial presidency, she appears unwilling or unable to learn from the horrible blunders she championed in the past.
Donald Trump Misremembers Israeli 9/11 Story, Blames Muslims
When Donald Trump claims 1000s of Muslims cheered 9/11, he’s rewriting a real incident that actually involved 5 Israelis.
Mexican Immigration Reverses: Do We Still Need A Wall?
A report from the Pew Research Center released Thursday claims that more Mexicans are leaving the US than entering it.
US-Saudi Relationship Discredits US Fight Against ISIS
Despite Saudi Arabia’s support for ISIS and repeated human rights abuses in Yemen, the U.S. approved a $1.3 billion arms sale to the Saudis this week.
JPMorgan Facing Criminal Probe For Pre-Crash Mortgage Securities Fraud
On Tuesday, WSJ reported JPMorgan and RBS are facing criminal probes for selling fraudulent mortgage-backed securities that led to the 08 crash.