Abby Martin: Can Global Resistance Bring Down U.S. Corporate Empire?
Behind the Headline: Not only is the USA an empire in every sense, it’s the biggest empire the world has ever seen. With Abby Martin & Mnar Muhawesh.
“This Changes Everything”: Capitalism & Climate Change (VIDEO)
The idea that humans’ innate greed is fueling climate change is a flawed thesis that’s hurting the environmental movement, argue Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis.
War, Media, Propaganda: Muslims As ‘Other’ — A Personal Narrative Of Islamophobia
In a speech delivered Oct. 15 in Minneapolis, MintPress News Founder Mnar Muhawesh discussed the personal tolls of war and corporate media fear mongering.
What Would Peace Look Like In Your Community? (VIDEO)
The American Friends Service Committee asked young activists, “What would police look like in your community?” What does real peace look like to you?
Republican Presidential Candidates: Musical Satire in Limericks (VIDEO)
Ted Cruz has the Ivy League curse/
Got an ego so big he might burst/
So shameless a liar/
His pants caught on fire/
Global warming — perhaps at its worst!
New Book Ties Former CIA Director To American Corporatocracy, JFK Assassination
A biography of former CIA Director Allen Dulles by one of the founders of Salon ties him to the rise of US corporate power and the agency’s worst misdeeds.
Bryan Stevenson: Ending Mass Incarceration By 2024
In a new episode of The Laura Flanders Show, Bryan Stevenson discusses the Equal Justice Initiative and their plans to end mass incarceration in the next 6-8 years. There’s also a great short film on the history of slavery and the prison system by Molly Crabapple. Here’s Laura’s description of the
‘Blood Or Jail’ Judge Faces Ethics Complaint From SPLC
Southern Poverty Law Center filed a judicial ethics complaint against an Alabama judge that told people owing court fines to donate blood or go to jail.
Ayotzinapa: Still Searching For Mexico’s Missing 43
Independent journalist Andalusia: Families of Mexico’s missing 43 students from a teaching college in Ayotzinapa are fearless, & still searching for answers.
Will Potter: CMUs Are The Secret Prisons You’ve Never Heard Of Before (VIDEO)
Investigative journalist Will Potter is the only reporter who has been inside a Communications Management Unit, or CMU, a ‘Kafkaesque’ unit in US prisons.