03 Aug 2015

Introducing The Bullpen

Named after temporary prisons setup for rebellious workers, The Bullpen will seek to reveal and explore the underlying power dynamics within the US economy and political system — the forces shaping how ‘We The People’ live our lives. This is not the place for the latest campaign gossip and ephemera, but do not be surprised to see some familiar names featured in the quest to illuminate the dark connections between moneyed interests and those with more formal powers.

02 Aug 2015

Reader Response: On Healthcare, “We All Deserve To Breathe”

On our Facebook, in response to Brian Sonenstein’s “Lawsuit: Corizon Doctor Tells New York City Inmate to Throw Severed Finger in Garbage,” Christine Robinett responded, “Sounds about right for the 98%, incarcerated or not. Far Too MANY doctors exploit their positions of authority as callous, bigoted, apathetic, even lazy towards