17 Jan 2019

Trump Administration Backs Slow-Motion Right-Wing Coup In Venezuela

As slow-motion coup by right-wing opposition unfolds in Venezuela against President Maduro, President Donald Trump’s administration backs regime change.

09 Aug 2018

Why Media Pundits Are Wrong To Suggest Voters Rejected Socialism In Recent Primaries

Several pundits in the media fully adopted the narrative that the results of Democratic Party primaries on August 7 show democratic socialism was soundly rejected. The outcome proves candidates with socialist politics cannot win in “heartland” districts, particularly in middle America. Right-wing media, such as The Daily Caller, Townhall, American

12 Sep 2017

Inspired By Black Panthers, People’s Breakfast Oakland Helps Those Neglected By Government

New movement growing in Oakland follows in the footsteps of Black Panthers to create community in areas where government has failed.

25 Jan 2017

Delete Your Account — Episode 34: Socialism And Liberation

Kumars and Roqayah speak with Eugene Puryear, an organizer and founding member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.

18 Jan 2017

Delete Your Account — Episode 33: Building For Socialism

Roqayah and Kumars talk to two organizers from the Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA, the largest socialist organization in the United States.

16 Jan 2017

The Revolutionary Socialism Of Martin Luther King Jr.

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the establishment (and their media) like to celebrate MLK’s love of imperial America and centrist economic doctrine. The symbol celebrated bares little resemblance to the actual man and his ideas. There is a reason the FBI orchestrated a well-resourced campaign to destroy King that

22 Jun 2016

People’s Summit Missed Opportunity To Match Strong Movement Politics With Bold Electoral Politics

The People’s Summit largely avoided discussing the US two-party political system and how those who made the Sanders campaign a success should confront it.

02 May 2016

Revolutionary Vice-Presidential Candidate On Importance of Alternatives To Two Major Parties

Eugene Puryear, the vice-presidential candidate for the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) in the U.S., talks about electoral politics.

02 Feb 2016

VIDEO: Hollywood, Socialism And The Israel/Palestine Conflict With Tony Kushner

Award-winning playwright Tony Kushner talks Hollywood, socialism, & the Israel/Palestine conflict. Plus: A Hungarian feminist hip-hop art gallery for Roma.

14 Oct 2015

Virtues Of Capitalism Become Issue At 2016 Democratic Debate

While much of the corporate media obsesses over who “won” last night’s 2016 Democratic presidential debate, few are recognizing a much more noteworthy aspect of yesterday’s proceedings. For the first time in a long time, Americans witnessed a substantive discussion on the virtues of capitalism in a mainstream party debate.