Progress On Official Ceasefire In Syria; Trump Tells British Leaders Not To Be Poodles
When asked about UK involvement in Iraq, Trump said, “I don’t see it as war crimes. I just think [Blair] goes down as somebody who did a terrible job.”
Russian Semi-Withdrawal, US and Allies Prepare New Anti-Assad Offensive
Next Cold War Roundup 3/16/16 Geneva talks are on. Russia does a surprise semi-withdrawal from Syria, leaving a well equipped Syrian coalition but increasing pressure on Assad to compromise. The US brings to the table a weakened position on the ground but a threat of a Turkish invasion and the
Mini World War in Aleppo Region of Syria, Race for Raqqa
Next Cold War Roundup 2-15-16 The Munich Security Conference, which turned into a summit for negotiations and discussions on the broadening and escalating Syrian war, concluded with an agreement to work on cessation of hostilities and humanitarian aid for beseiged areas — an agreement that few have confidence will change