19 Jan 2017

Obama’s Legacy: Refining System Of Secrecy, Cracking Down On Leaks

President Barack Obama’s administration will hand President-elect Donald Trump’s administration a system for secrecy, especially when it comes to concealing United States military and national security programs and policies, that is stronger than ever. Eight years were spent by the “most transparent administration” refining this system. It succeeded marvelously because

09 Jan 2017

Obama’s Legacy: No Justice For Torture

A key part of President Barack Obama’s legacy includes the administration’s refusal to prosecute any officials from President George W. Bush’s administration for torture.

20 Dec 2016

Obama’s Legacy: Leaving Indefinite Military Detention Regime Intact

The Obama administration will pass on a legal regime that enables President-elect Donald Trump to indefinitely hold alleged terrorism suspects away from any battlefield.

12 Dec 2016

Obama’s Legacy: Institutionalizing Assassination Complex For Any President To Play Judge, Jury, And Executioner

As President Barack Obama’s administration comes closer to an end, the number of civilians killed by United States drone strikes in Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen is at least 500, according to data compiled by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. Nearly all of the drone strikes were a part of the

09 Dec 2016

Obama’s Legacy: Human Cost Of Eight Years Of War

Nearing end of second term, Obama administration maintains it has waged warfare legally irrespective of the toll it has taken on numerous countries