05 Oct 2016

Bill Clinton Gaffe Highlights Failing Obamacare

Either the US adopts a single-payer healthcare system or it accepts a brutal classist system. There is no third way.

04 Oct 2016

The Problem With Progressives Defending What Clinton Said In Hacked Audio

While speaking to donors at a private fundraiser in February, Clinton derided the “false promise” of the Sanders campaign. Why defend that?

29 Sep 2016

Obama Scapegoats Third Party Voters To Distract From Clinton’s Enthusiasm Problem

Obama and Democrats respond to Clinton campaign’s enthusiasm woes by attacking supporters of third-party candidates.

29 Sep 2016

Establishment Media Caught Promoting Fake Russian Story On #TrumpWon Hashtag

There is a specter haunting the establishment media, the specter of a Trump presidency. This idea is apparently so terrifying that no unethical and hypocritical action is too extreme for “mainstream” journalists to take if it they believe it will damage Trump’s presidential prospects. Enter the Russian threat. Russian President

28 Sep 2016

TPP And Trade Take Center Stage At First Presidential Debate

The debate focused on trade deals signed by the US and their effects on the country’s working class, particularly in swing states OH, MI, and PA.

27 Sep 2016

Samantha Power’s Rhetoric Endangers Peace Talks; Nusra Interview Claims US & Israeli Support

Samantha Power and others accused Russia of barbarism and war crimes before walking out of the emergency UN meeting they convened, and more in our round-up.

21 Sep 2016

Your Vote For Jill Stein Is Not A Wasted Vote

Voters are tired of progressive commentators, who are so insecure with the state of politics that all they do is lecture people trying to build alternatives.

19 Sep 2016

The ‘Protest Vote’ Once Again Has The Liberal Establishment In a Frenzy

Millennials who vote for Stein or Johnson do not represent some “protest vote.” They support more democracy in politics.

19 Sep 2016

Hillary Clinton Offers Millennials A Misleading Look At Her Record In Op-Ed

The Clinton campaign continues to believe her problem with Millennials is that her message isn’t reaching them. The actual problem is the message itself.

12 Sep 2016

Hillary Clinton Collapses At 9/11 Memorial, Health Questions Raised

What illness is Hillary Clinton suffering from?