16 Nov 2015

Hillary Clinton Defends Wall Street Patronage With 9/11, McFeminism

If you thought it was inappropriate of Hillary Clinton to invoke 9/11 to respond to allegations of campaign finance corruption, you’re not alone.

14 Oct 2015

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate Snowden, Ignore Whistleblower Protection Issues

Only one Democratic candidate, Lincoln Chafee, opposed jailing NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden if he were to return to the United states.

14 Oct 2015

Virtues Of Capitalism Become Issue At 2016 Democratic Debate

While much of the corporate media obsesses over who “won” last night’s 2016 Democratic presidential debate, few are recognizing a much more noteworthy aspect of yesterday’s proceedings. For the first time in a long time, Americans witnessed a substantive discussion on the virtues of capitalism in a mainstream party debate.

02 Oct 2015

Brookings Firing Exposes Rift Between Elizabeth Warren And Hillary Clinton Supporters

Robert Litan’s resignation from the Brookings Institution exposed some fault lines within the Democratic Party.

01 Oct 2015

Clinton Emails Reveal More About How State Department Shaped Media Coverage Of WikiLeaks

Emails released from Hillary Clinton’s private server reveal that the U.S. State Department planted questions in “60 Minutes” interview with Julian Assange.

09 Sep 2015

Lawsuit Aims To Uncover Why Clinton Lawyer Received Special Treatment To Keep Classified Emails

The FBI investigated and harassed a lawyer for about a year when he informed the government he had a copy of a CIA document with classified information. About three years later, the FBI is investigating the handling of classified information by Hillary Clinton and her private attorney, but her private attorney has not faced similar harassment for possessing classified information.

07 Aug 2015

4 Candidates From Both Major Parties Use Same Lobbying Firm For Fundraising

You’d be forgiven for having trouble telling the major presidential candidates apart in the latest presidential horse race, especially given a recent story from The Intercept’s Lee Fang. Fang reports that Bush, Clinton, Kasich and Rubio all make use of Akin Gump, an infamous lobbying firm, for fundraising in the next election.