20 Sep 2015

Podcast: As Hunger Strike Ends, Parent Shares How Fight for Dyett Means Everything to Her

The Fight for Dyett, a grassroots campaign to revitalize and save Walter H. Dyett High School on the south side of Chicago, ended a 34-day hunger strike on September 19. At least twelve people had participated in the hunger strike in order to save the public school from being closed down and privatized.

16 Sep 2015

In Rare Act, Police Review Agency Recommends Chicago Police Fire Cop

Chicago’s Independent Police Review Authority, setup to investigate complaints against police, has recommended the cop who killed 22-year-old Rekia Boyd be fired. In the history of the agency, it has only recommended two other officers have their job terminated. Both recommendations came this year.

16 Sep 2015

Former Chicago Juvenile Inmates Have High Rates of Substance Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Study Finds

Formerly incarcerated youth in Cook County, Chicago, were diagnosed with psychiatric disorders at a rate higher than that of the general population, according to new research. The research also found Black former juvenile inmates had lower prevalence rates for psychiatric and substance abuse disorders over time than compared to whites and Hispanics, despite the fact that they constitute a disproportionately larger segment of the incarcerated population.

11 Sep 2015

Formerly Incarcerated Black Youth Face Extremely High Mortality Rates in Chicago

Young black men detained in Cook County, Chicago, face a higher mortality rate than the general population of the county, according to a bulletin published by the federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) as part of their “Northeastern Juvenile Project.”

16 Aug 2015

Podcast: Chicago Organizer Shares Outrage Over Stop And Frisk Deal

The ACLU of Illinois announced a “landmark” agreement with the Chicago Police Department and City of Chicago over stop and frisks earlier this month. However, soon after, there were multiple activist groups, which were upset with the ACLU because they believed the settlement undermined their efforts. In particular, local groups