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Medicare For All Must Be Part Of Health Care Reform Conversation

Readers like you donated over $1,400 so far to fund uncompromising independent journalism on health care policy and activism.

We’re wasting no time. We published important reporting from Jon Walker last week, exploring the failures of Obamacare and Trump’s “plan B” to sabotage the law.

Jon is now working on a multi-part series on Medicare For All, critiquing the private insurance model and analyzing the political, financial, and legal obstacles organizers must confront to implement a truly affordable and universal health care system.

You can bring these critical perspectives on health care to the public with a $13 donation toward our $3,000 fundraising goal:


We are in a critical moment where we have an opportunity to make an impact on health care reform.

House Republicans were just forced to pull their health care plan last week because it didn’t have the votes to pass, and the GOP discredited itself on the issue.

However, there are indications Republicans are not finished trying to reform health care.

But the Democratic Party has yet to unite around any meaningful fixes for Obamacare’s serious failures and appear content to simply oppose whatever the GOP proposes.

Some recognize this opportunity to demand more and are taking action: Senator Bernie Sanders plans to introduce a Medicare-For-All bill in the coming weeks. Representative John Conyers already introduced Medicare-For-All legislation in the House, where it already has 78 co-sponsors.

None of this would be possible without the sustained efforts of activists, who support expanding Medicare to cover all Americans. This organizing can be amplified through reporting that examines their demands and their struggle to achieve them.

Your $13 donation will also support Roqayah Chamseddine’s coverage of this movement. Let’s broaden the conversation beyond merely reforming private health care.

Kevin Gosztola

Kevin Gosztola

Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure."